The Spa
Monday, 11 February 2013
By Alan Wilkinson
A ‘Sky
Living’ comedy series, set in a Hertfordshire Spa that boasts it can cure
anyone; the fat, the thin and the lazy. Created by Derren Litten clearly a name
to forget. The main character is Spa
manager Alison played by the usually excellent Rebecca Friend-and I think she needs a friend on this one!. She plays a character promoted to her level
of incompetence and can only get away with it because her staff are equally
incompetent, each in a supposedly memorable or funny way
When it
started I thought, oh, this might be a sort of Britta’s Spa, with Alison an
older female Mr Britta’s.
The Brittas Empire had plots and semi
believable characters. Brittas was a classic comedy character who blind to his
faults, believed his way was only way. Creating mayhem around him with the
people around him who were stereotypically normal,
But, the Spa
is just a string of near the knuckle cheap and easy postcard sketches In Spa all the characters wear an oddity on
their sleeve and have a short sketch built round it
It starts in Allison’s office, an angry new
clinically obese spa member has received a letter from the Spa, saying she is
clinically a beast
Next to a fitness class run by an overweight
man in a wheelchair, he has a class of fit ladies except for one fat exhausted
lady who predictably collapses at the end of the scene.
Meanwhile Alison keeps ignoring the cleaner
who wants to talk about something-important.
Alison then goes into the staff room and
berates Eric the Spa handyman who has a big tool –which becomes obvious when he
stands up yes it’s not subtle. She has had complaints about his tight
overfilled shorts
His father, Eric tells us, was similarly
endowed and his nickname was Moby
The cleaner comes in The Spa manager says not
Eric says to Rose “you’ll not believe this Iva
just been –chastised by a woman for having a big nob what’s the world coming
too cos I don’t know?”
Next scene Alison behind her desk a voice
comes from under the desk
“Quite dark in here, I can’t see anything
Thing is it’s such a small hole there a build-up of dust from it not being used.”
Alison replies “I’ve definitely shoved things
in there this year.”
Then Eric stands up he was talking about a
jammed drawer beneath counter, as he stands up and Alison’s secretary Sally
comes in and his eel drops out of his shorts!
Sally interrupts Alison
“Alison, Rose is on the roof.”
“What do you mean?”
“The top part of the building.“
Rose is threatening to throw herself off the
roof –her best friend died last Monday And shed tried to get Friday off for the
funeral but Alison had been too busy, to speak to her.
Somebody puts a player on in car to relax
Alice. Its Kate Bush’s “Don’t give up.”
Alison says, “Everyone back inside it’s
the only way to calm the situation and I’ve got things to do” They go in
The music changes to “Jump” And Alice jumps landing in a bush.
That’s pretty much it, It’s rubbish. Alison
doesn’t help by regularly saying-as one unfunny incident follows an
unbelievable one. “This is ridiculous,” or, ”This is unbelievable,” she just
echoes what we’re thinking.
At the end I hoped she’d say ”This is so bad
I’m outta here,” and walk off set Pythonesque style. She didn’t and unfortunately
it’ll be back next Thursday.
Why did
Rebecca sign up for this? Was it money or was she drunk?
There’s one good thing about the next episode,
it just couldn’t be worse. Could
it? Maybe watch it and see!
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