Love is a Window

Saturday, 9 February 2013

 by Anne Ward                         

             Love is  a  window
            To   watch   life  go  by
         Kids   play   in  the  street
        Mother   cuddles   the  one  that  cries

          Love   is  a  window
           Lovers  meet,  hold  hands,
            Dream of wedding rings
           Rain   trickles  down the  pane
               Like tight heart strings

            Love is a window to rush to,   see what the postman brings
              News of peace.  Tommy  coming  home
              Jenny   has  a  baby  boy,
                   Billy’s   gone to Rome

                   Love is a window of light
                  From the open fire’s  glow
                        When all surrounding  is  snow

                  Love is a window, an ever open latch
                  Seeping through the tasty smell of pie
                        Sneak in a hand and a piece snatch

                          Love is a window, the everlasting sort
                                  Unconditional, no holes barred
                                 To  be freely given and by all  shared

                                    Love is a window,  it  can be  broken
Hugged ,   Mended  and  Repaired.


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